Solar Funding Solutions
Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
Fully Funded Solar Solution Calculator
Shawton Energy gives businesses and building owners the opportunity to maximise their roof space for power generation, reducing energy costs while enhancing value and helping them to meet Net Zero targets. All without any upfront capital outlay.

Why Act Now?

Combat high energy prices with cheaper, greener energy

Deliver on your Net Zero objectives

Differentiate yourself from your competitors

Improved bottom line and increased profitability

Increased brand engagement and loyalty

Maintain cash reserves by accessing a funded solution
We will deliver a turn-key bespoke solar solution bespoke to your needs by designing, building, installing, maintain, operating solution with no upfront capex or ongoing opex
We own the assets and install on your property
In return you buy clean renewable energy from Shawton Energy at a reduced price that is future proof.
We maintain and operate the solar solution for the length of the contract
When the agreement comes to an end you 100% own the Solar PV System and the energy that is generated.

We use SolarEdge inverters which gives you full visibility of your system’s technical and financial performance, including interactive charts and site layouts with easy access from a computer, smartphone or tablet.
Receive energy data
We receive your previous 12 months half hourly electri- cal usage date plus your last 3 months electricity bills.
We initially do a desktop design and then do a more technical in-depth design as we progress.
We enter into a Power Purchase Agreement for the agreed term – usually between 15 and 25 years.
Our highly skilled in-house technical & engineering team will then proceed to install the PV system.
Cheaper, green energy
As soon as the system starts generating energy you can start to enjoy cheaper, greener energy at a much reduced price from the grid knowing that your carbon footprint is reducing.
Shawton Energy will operate and maintain your solar solution throughout the contract to ensure you continue to receive cheaper, greener energy.
Capital Free, Fully Funded PPA
A PPA is a solution provided by Shawton, which enables organisations to make the switch to low-cost renewable energy. Instead of purchasing 100% of your electricity from the grid, you self- generate a percentage of your day-time consumption, by way of a fully installed Solar PV system on your building, land or car park.
Shawton Energy will coordinate the financing, assess your organisation’s needs, design, construct and install your system, and then maintain and monitor its performance – all at no cost to you
Why Our Clients Choose PPA

The PPA term is typically up to 25 years.

We Offer Two Types of Funding
We provide a range of funding structures for commercial renewable energy projects. This key part of the process can involve different forms of funding, catering for clients wishing to mitigate capital risk, making their own purchase, or a combination of both.