Solar Power For Manufacturing Businesses
Powering the manufacturing industry with renewable, sustainable energy to reduce electricity bills by up to 30%
Fully Funded Solar Solution Calculator
Shawton Energy helps manufacturing businesses like yours to harness solar power with the installation of 100% fully funded, high-quality Solar PV solutions, utilising your existing footprint – roof, grounds & car parks.

Why choose solar?
With electricity prices increasing year on year, the manufacturing industry is continuing to look for ways to reduce energy demand but also source their energy from other sources Solar PV systems offer electricity at a fraction of the cost of grid- supplied electricity, providing a significant saving. These savings can then be invested in other areas of your business that will drive profits and growth. It is also the number one solution that reduces your carbon footprint significantly.

Reduce your electricity bills by up to 30% subject to the size of the project and your power demand.

Solar power can produce substantial savings, long terms for your business, making you more competitive in the marketplace.

Significant reductions in carbon usage which feeds into your ESG/CSR objectives.

A large proportion of your energy demand is 100% renewable energy produced on site.

It will support your Scope 3 emissions objectives to deliver for your suppliers and customers.

Allowing your employees to know they are contributing to a Net Zero Carbon future.

Ensuring your organisation is more sustainable and has a lower carbon footprint than your competitors will ensure you a future proofing your organisation’s future sales in the marketplace and allow you to compete in the boardroom to secure closed deals. Solar contributes to this by substantially reducing your carbon usage.
What is a Power Purchase Agreement?
Manufacturing organisations can switch effortlessly to low-cost, green solar energy without any upfront capital with a Power Purchase Agreement(PPA).
Shawton Energy are in partnership and co-ownership with Lazard Investment, a global investment bank who want to invest in renewable projects. Through this collaboration with Lazard we have £100m to invest in renewable projects over the next 3 years.
With Lazard, Shawton Energy are focusing on funding solar projects across roof, ground and car port projects through a PPA, which is an arrangement between Shawton Energy and a business for energy generated on- site by the Solar PV system at a reduced cost for a predetermined period.
The price of the power purchased is fixed and will increase annually at the Retail Price Index (RPI) rate.
We design, build, install, own and operate the Solar PV system on the rooftop of the hotel’s property for the duration of the PPA, which is typically between 10 to 25 years. After the agreed term has expired, the rights and title for the Solar PV system are passed onto the client.
You can now enjoy the PV power produced with zero upfront capital and no ongoing opex. You just buy the energy from us at a much-reduced price than from the grid and you are enjoying 100% renewable energy to contribute to your ESG and CSR objectives.

How does the Power Purchase Agreement Process Work?
If your energy usage and roof space meet specific criteria, you can benefit from free solar PV installation financed by us through a PPA. Once we have confirmed your eligibility, we’ll partner with you to get to know you and your hotel’s energy consumption. This is part of our five-step approach, beginning with an inital meeting, a desktop feasibility study and then a technical site visit. Once we’ve assessed your rooftop for solar suitability, we create a proposal based on your consumption, showing a detailed projection of your cost & carbon savings over the course of the PPA.
Our Initial 5 Step Approach

Why would you choose a Power Purchase Agreement with Shawton Energy?
You keep the capital in your business and invest in other projects whilst still enjoying 100% renewable energy
Your savings are immediate with no off-setting of high set-up costs
The assets sit on Shawton Energy’s balance sheet and not the yours
You don’t have to worry about the ongoing maintenance or operation of the solar assets
You are less vulnerable to the volatility of grid prices for a percentage of your energy demand
You buy the energy produced by the Solar PV at an agreed price for the duration of the contract. If the sun doesn’t shine or the assets are not working then you will not pay for the energy
You enter into a long term partnership with a trusted energy partner
Case Study
Shawton Energy worked closely with Uniroyal Global to install a comprehensive solar energy system at their manufacturing facility in Earby.
As a business, Uniroyal Global are committed to reducing the environmental impact of their manufacturing operations and producing products with sustainability in mind, so being able to generate their own green energy was a key driver to work with Shawton Energy. We installed 1MW rooftop Solar PV panels at their manufacturing facility in Earby. By going with our Power Purchase Agreement, they were able to start reaping the benefits of their large Solar PV system immediately without any upfront Capital Investment and leave any ongoing maintenance of their system to us at no further cost.
We undertook detailed analysis of their energy usage, costs and site layout to ensure we designed a bespoke, turnkey solution for Uniroyal’s specific needs. We worked closely with the site team and the executive board to ensure they understood both the commercial and environmental benefits for their business and were confident that we were the right long term energy partner to deliver on this project. Over a 16-week period we installed the project at their site which included over 2300 panels and ensured there was no disruption on site.
Their new system has also helped reduce their annual carbon footprint by more than 273 tonnes per year. Uniroyal Global are now generating 910,098kWh of clean energy a year, helping them to meet their Net Zero Targets and deliver on their ESG objectives

Weeks Installation Time

kg Of Carbon Saved Annually

Money Saved On Electricity Bills In 25 Years

GBP Reduced On Average Annually In Electricity Bill
Do you do projects throughout the UK?
Yes, we do projects from Scotland to the south coast. The sun’s intensity does vary throughout the UK however we have many projects in Scotland and the north of the UK that still have great commercial and carbon savings.
Will the installation of solar panels disrupt my business?
No. Our team will ensure your business’s day-to-day operations are not disrupted. We will work with your site team to understand your business, your shifts and any health & safety requirements.
Do I need planning permission?
Smaller projects no longer need planning permission if it is on the roof. It will just need permitted development applications made and we do all of this on your behalf.
If I have land and/or a car park is there a way of leveraging this space also?
Simple answer is yes, however we would discuss what is possible at our initial call and include areas where we feel it makes sense commercially and technically.